Bookmark No.0520
 This bookmark was made in the US by  F. F. Pulver Co. of Rochester, NY. It is a celluloid advertising bookmark for pens from the C. Howard Hunt Pen Co. of Camden, NJ. The back reads "These pens will neither scratch nor spurt the ink, the points being rounded by a secret process."
 This bookmark was made in the US by  F. F. Pulver Co. of Rochester, NY. It is a celluloid advertising bookmark for pens from the C. Howard Hunt Pen Co. of Camden, NJ. The back reads "These pens will neither scratch nor spurt the ink, the points being rounded by a secret process."  This bookmark was made in the US by  F. F. Pulver Co. of Rochester, NY. It is a celluloid advertising bookmark for pens from the C. Howard Hunt Pen Co. of Camden, NJ. The back reads "These pens will neither scratch nor spurt the ink, the points being rounded by a secret process."
This bookmark was made in the US by F. F. Pulver Co. of Rochester, NY. It is a celluloid advertising bookmark for pens from the C. Howard Hunt Pen Co. of Camden, NJ. The back reads "These pens will neither scratch nor spurt the ink, the points being rounded by a secret process."
F.F. Pulver Co.
1911 - 1920

1 x 2 1/16 in
2.5 x 5.2 cm

No. 0520